515 Telstra's Dance Workshop with Little Lights 1 of 5

Written by Vice President for Internal, Weng Cutangco
With the 32-35 degree weather lately, having a dance workshop (or any physical activity at all) might not be the greatest idea to do on a Saturday afternoon. But this didn’t stop us to have some fun dancing.
The 1st of five (5) progressive dance workshops were enjoyed by the kids from Little Lights Ministry, thanks to our corporate sponsor Telstra Philippines. 25 kids were split into 4 groups, and were joined by our volunteers, the Ates and Kuyas for the day. We let them get to know their team members more by sharing with the group: their name, their favorite color, and their favorite song.
To pump up the energy in the place more, we played one of our favorite games, Paint A Picture. The kids and volunteers showed how competitive they were in posing for various scenarios and events. The teams were creative in portraying various roles to depict what happens during Flores de Mayo, Independence Day, a basketball game, and what they do when inside the classroom and the church.
Ate Mia Cabalfin then took over the stage and led the kids in the afternoon’s highlight, the Dance Workshop. With Uptown Funk playing in the background, everyone moved left and right, up and down, and danced their hearts out for almost an hour.
Before we ran out of energy, snacks were served. The kids were delighted with yummy pancit and brownies for dessert. We handed out school supplies and snacks (for school baon) to all the kids before we did our last activity – the group photo!
The next dance workshops are scheduled on June 12 & 13. We can’t wait to do it again, and we hope you can join us, too! 🙂

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