977 Ate Cris Celebrates with SOS Village

Written by: Kuya Richard Yattar, Core Team Member
How lovely is it to see a child valuing the importance of helping others on a very young age. That’s what our birthday celebrator did on that day. She chose to celebrate her seventh birthday with the kids of SOS rather than having any other expensive celebrations.
Doing charity works is not new to their family that’s why they didn’t have second thoughts as to where and how would she celebrate her birthday. Their commitment to help is truly amazing and that makes our sponsors very special.
The party was held in SOS Children’s Villages Philippines in Alabang, Muntinlupa. The location was a bit far for both sponsor and beneficiary but they all managed to arrive for that special day. As usual, the event was started with a prayer. Then, the most awaited GAMES! We came up with four groups in total. We divided our ates and kuyas as well and designated them to the four groups. Few groups are Daig Kayo sa Lola Namin, Superheroes, Swaggers and Squad Goals. For the first game, Kuya Glenn and Ate Te, our hosts and core members, provided scenarios which our kids would portray. At first, kids were a bit shy to participate. In spite of that, most teams managed to score but one team emerged victory in the end. However, things had changed on the second game. Other game was beach ball relay wherein they need to fall in line and pair themselves. The objective of the games was to run with your partner while having the ball safely and without touching the floor. Apparently, they were the only active group by that time. Lastly, we had Kuya Warren, our magician to show some tricks while the kids and our Ates and Kuyas are cooling down from the energetic game.
Of course, after few attractions, kids and guests were served delicious snacks and drinks. Everyone was so happy eating and at the same time sharing funny moments during the day.
While some kids and volunteers are naturally outgoing, others are why and have a hard time connecting to other people. That is why we have this kind of activities and interactions. This is an opportunity to practice and develop our social skills and for us to feel more comfortable with meeting new friends and connections.
Again, we are thanking our birthday celebrator, her dad and friends for making this day extra special not only to her but also to our lovely kids!
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