633 Primer Group of Companies Celebrates with Haven for Children

Written by Kuya Harvard
For the second time, one of the biggest clothing retailers partnered with us for an event. It as for a particular company Brat Pack who spearheaded this worthwhile encounter with 137 boys of Haven for Children.
Haven for Children is the national center for street children recovering from substance abuse. Ages 7-13 yrs. old all are boys from different places of the Philippines.
Since there were only a few volunteers and 2 core team present, it was a handful to get the boys to listen. One of the volunteers actually helped me manage the crowd. As we built familiarity they eventually followed our activities set for them.
We did three interactive games which they played amongst themselves. We had the Bato Bato Pick via rubber bands. Get to know your opponent then fight them once. You win, you get 1 rubber band. The goal is to get the most. Everyone started with 5, the winner had 26! Wow.
We also had an impromptu change of game which I abruptly called Kuya Harvard says. I say a command they follow. The last Dance Showdown which I enjoyed witnessing. Three big groups selected a leader to follow. The most creative steps and group coordination wins.
After we gave out merienda, each participant also received school supplies. I look forward to coming back and meeting the boys who will be great men someday. Thanks once again Primer and Brat Pack. 🙂

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