167 MSI Celebrates with Shepherd of the Hills

Written by Kuya Harvard

It was our 3rd event of the ongoing month long series of events, 12 days of Christmas. This one actually coincided with our booth at Miriam College for the National Conference on the Engagement of the Acadame in Volunteering. It was good that we had a strong and willing core team available on a weekday.

Ate Lara Jane Lim of MSI-ECS, a company that sells computer hardware, is a friend and former office mate of our current president, Ate Jo-e. She contacted us a month before event day, December 6. Initially they wanted to do a Jollibee event. We turned it around and encouraged them to visit Shepherd of the Hills orphanage instead. For us, it is preferred that our beneficiaries get to visit the center of our beneficiaries. This way, repeat visitations happen more likely.

The Christmas event had a short and intimate program for 25 volunteers and 30 kids. We kicked off with two relay games. “These kind of games have an excitement component to it”, says Kuya Harvard. “It heightens competition amongst the teams”, he adds. It really did. Everyone got extra competitive that day- and it was a good start for the rest of the event.

Next was a magic show by one of our mainstay magicians, Kobe. Some of the orphans in the audience were first timers. Their faces mixed with confusion and happiness was a sight to see. Followed was a series of musical performances by the kids. As some of you already know, Shepherd of the Hills trains its kids on music and arts.

Thank you once again to the group of MSI-ECS for sponsoring this event. Looking forward to partnering with you for the years to come. 🙂

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