336 Kuya Joey’s Acting Workshop with Puso sa Puso

Written by Kuya Harvard

It was our third trip to the young and energetic kids managed by Puso sa Puso Foundation. The first two were an origami workshop and most recent, a beat box activity.

Since we don’t get to visit the kids often, we make sure that every encounter is a learning experience. This time with the blessing of Kuya Joey Bajas and family, we got to teach Acting. Ate Micaela Pineda, a stage actress was our artist. She has been performing theater for many years now.

We started the afternoon with introductions. Kuya Harvard lead the getting to know between the volunteers and kids. Next was Ate Micaela. She got things more hyped up with a number of games that focuses on trust, expressions, voice, creativity and overall acting.

An entertaining magic show was next. The photos speaks so much on how amazed the kids were. They were all attentive and glued to their seats.

After the two artists, we encouraged the kids to look up to them as models. Kuya Harvard echoed the value of doing what you love for work. At the end of the day, our goal is to inspire kids to pursue a better life.

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