642 Kidzania Tour with CCT Visions of Hope

Written by Kuya Harvard
On our third trip to one of the newest attractions in Manila, Kidzania, we invited 18 children from Center for Community Transformation (CCT) Puypuy. It was definitely a first for these children. Since being under the care of CCT they haven’t been around in places like these.
The children are either orphaned, abandoned and given to the center. It was indeed refreshing to being a co-witness of their happiness as they navigate Kidzania with their Kuyas and Ates. Dubbed as “Where Kids Do Big Things”, Kidzania makes children experience what its like to work as an adult. There are almost 100 types of work they offer. One of the most popular visits made by children was being a Police. Other notable occupations include being a Fireman, Radio DJ, Nurse and a Pilot.
After more than 2 hours of exploring we met the energetic children for a group photo. We also gave them story books when they had their breakfast before going in.
U! Happy Events will continue to provide learning activities that broaden the minds of children. It maybe in the form of field trips like these or workshops we do in the events. These will be more fruitful and enriching with our volunteers. If you are reading this, Ate and Kuya, we look forward to seeing you. Please click our upcoming events. 🙂

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