Citibank Celebrates with SK Barangay Valenzuela

Written by: Kuya Carl, Project Coordinator
It was a sunny afternoon in the SK Barangay Valenzuela Hall, where kids gathered and were greeted by Kuya Harvard, a familiar face to those who have attended events before.
Next to greet the children were the sponsors, Ate Shiena and her friends from Citibank. After introducing the sponsors, Kuya Harvard divided the sponsors into groups with the children where it was the children’s turn to introduce themselves to the sponsors.
After a quick getting to know session, it was time for some games. Kuya Harvard started off with Real Dnace, where the sponsors led the children in dancing popular songs such as Gangnam Style, the Ketchup Song, and the Macarena. After a tiring session, Kuya Harvard decided to relax them a little bit with Shape it Up, a game wherein the groups form various shapes. Following the theme of Christmas, Kuya Harvard had them form shapes of snowmen, snowflakes, and even Santa Claus!
After a round of fun games, it was time for a special performer, a magician performed various tricks and illusions to dazzle the audience with his sleight of hand. From birds out of nowhere to floating chairs, the magician captivated the audience and earned rounds and rounds of applause from both kids and volunteers alike.
Lastly, Ate Shiena and her friends gave out giveaways for everyone, making sure that no kid went home empty handed. Giving out a number of school supplies and personal gifts, they made sure that this day that the kids would never forget.
We thank Ate Shiena and her friends from Citibank for spending their afternoon with the kids of SK Barangay Valenzuela!!

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