1107 Baby Ben Celebrates with International Teams Tender

Written by: Ate Ren dela Cruz, Board Member
The beginning of the year is a special time for most people all over the world, and in all walks of life. It signifies hope for the future, a time to restart, and opportunity to welcome new people and situations and expect great things. It could also be a busy time for most, wanting to fulfill their New Year’s Resolutions while the momentum is high. For the Gonzales Family however, the start of the year signifies the birth of their son, Ben, and an opportunity to share blessings to those in need of those blessings the most.
That was why last January 2, kuya Brian, ate Gretchen, their son Ben, and 7 other passionate volunteers went to IT Tender, an organization that initiates educational programs and community-based initiatives which create lasting transformations in the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of each child. 25 kids from IT were to celebrate Ben’s 2nd birthday and join in the fun! First up was getting-to-know, for our volunteers and kids to warm up to one another. After this, we teamed them up into smaller groups for our game, Bring Me Art! This unique U! happy game is meant not just for competition but also to develop creativity and critical thinking — which the kids and their new ates and kuyas dearly enjoyed.
To bring in some magic to the day we invited resident magician kuya Koby, who made the audience ooh and ahh at his showcase of tricks — even getting audience participation to add to the laughter and delight! After all the excitement, our volunteers made sure to feed our kids’ hungry tummies. This also provided more opportunity for everyone to interact and bond.
Of course, we couldn’t let the day end without recognizing the reason for the celebration – Ben’s birthday! Everyone sang a heartwarming happy birthday for Ben, and it was evident in everyone’s faces that his special day was also special for everyone present. As the day came to a close the Gonzales family distributed giveaways to the children, and our IT Tender kids thanked and appreciated them in the form of warm smiles and tight hugs. Thank you for choosing to reach out and bring joy to IT Tender, kuya Brian, ate Gretchen, and Ben!

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