Ate Therese Celebrates with Little Lights Ministry

Written by: Kuya Glenn Costales, President
Where were you when you turned 18? I guess answering this question becomes more difficult as you get older. But I know one girl who probably won’t forget this moment in her life. We met Anne Therese Papa, or Telet to her friends, last July 28 in Pasig City. It was her special day but instead of a dazzling dress and a roster of 18 roses, she came in her sporty look together with over 20 of her family and closest friends. She also gathered 30 kids from our local partner, Little Lights Ministry, to celebrate with her.
Our young volunteers joined the 6 groups of kids already formed. The kids had already decided on their team names so they happily told their kuyas and ates about it. The teams were Angels, Bam, Momoland, Malakas, Warriors and Star. The kids also showed their faces and arms made vivid by the wonderful designs by our face painter, Kuya CJ.
With our youthful audience, we had to play a really bustling contest – Dodge Ball. With 3 pairs of teams on hand, we played a total of 3 contests. The game started slow but soon enough, everyone was jumping, winding up, aiming, throwing, faking, taunting and dodging inside about 30 feet of space shared by the competing groups.
After the game, it was time to focus our energy into some artsy-craftsy detail with Kuya Robby’s art workshop. With the reason for our gathering, it was fitting that he taught the kids how to make a really vibrant and personal birthday card.
Kuya Rico was our final act with an exceptional magic show. He made sure to involve the kids and our birthday sponsor herself in his captivating performance.
Afternoon snacks were finally in order and the kids and volunteers sat down to enjoy a hearty meal. They also partook some kikiam, fish ball, cupcake and sorbetes to complete their feast. The kids and volunteers captured the day’s festivities with their very own printed photo courtesy of Funlipix On-Site Photo Booth.
As the curtains drew to a close, Ate Telet blew her birthday cake and gave out her parting gifts to the kids. She always pictured this was how she was going to celebrate her 18th and we’re honored to have been part of it. Thank U! to Little Lights Ministry, Ate Telet, her superb parents and all the volunteers making our little Saturday event truly a celebration.

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