626 Ate Nycel and Ate Mac’s Accessory Making with Children’s Joy Foundation

Written by Kuya Harvard
Together we’re creating a bigger dent as we establish more opportunities to marginalized children through events. As of this writing, U! Happy Events is about to hit 200 events just for 2015. We are only able to accomplish such task with more sponsors generously giving their time, talents and treasures to our cause. Case in point, are sisters Ate Nycel and Ate Mac Ramiro. They celebrated their birthday with their families, close friends and orphans of Children’s Joy Foundation.
Ate Nycel was the one who coordinated with me. I felt her eagerness through email as she had so much questions and replied to my answers quick. I haven’t met Nycel yet but I felt her positive energy online. Most of our sponsors we meet through the events already. The word of mouth about our services have traveled. She heard about us through another sponsor, Kuya Anton Darlucio. Coincidentally, he will be celebrating his 2nd event in Children’s Joy Foundation as well next week.
It was a jam packed afternoon filled with enriching activities. After getting to know each one, we had two games: Beach Ball Relay and Let it Go. Beach balls found itself in between pairs as they traverse a chair in front of them. In the next game, balloons were blown and let go in the air.
Accessory making gave time for everyone to take a breather and listen to Ate Blanca. The girls were thought how to design headbands while boys made their own bracelets using felt paper. As I watch from a distance, I saw every Ate and Kuya giving their all in making sure they create masterpieces together with children.
Final activity stop was Zumba. Ate Rissa, a certified instructor was joined by the sisters’ mom, Ate Maricel. They both head the front and got the crowd moving all parts of their body. I couldn’t help but join their very enticing steps. Ate Nycel did her best to copy while sister Ate Mac was a natural. 🙂
As meals were served including cupcakes, the kids also prepared their personal and touching thank you song for the adults. As they sing, the sisters sat and were greeted a Happy Birthday as well. They even got personal letters from the kids.
Thank you once again to our dear sisters. We look forward to seeing you and your circles to our events! 🙂

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