446 Ate Karla Celebrates with Kamuning Bible Church Fellowship

Written by Secretary Glenn Costales
For more than 8 years now, U! Happy Events has provided support to different orphanages, schools, hospitals and children’s organizations through fun activities. The foundation has likewise endeavored to aid other groups who are driven by a similar mission to reach out to marginalized children. This was precisely the partnership last February 8 at Kamuning Bible Christian Fellowship (KBCF) in Quezon City.
Ate Karla Ilacad celebrated her birthday last Sunday. Together with her friends, she partnered up with U! for an event with the kids supported by the community-based church. These kids come from various locations in the Metro and form part of the church’s educational outreach programs.
The warmth of the midday filled the roomful of volunteers and kids. 50 of them gathered with over 20 ates and kuyas for an ‘intimate’ birthday celebration inside the eventually packed venue. The space hardly mattered though once the festivities started.
The volunteers soon got to know the kids as they were all distributed into 5 groups. Questions about each one’s favorite color and favorite game made the rounds to break the ice between the excited participants. They also got to choose their team name which generated a creative discussion among the members.
The event’s first activity was next in line – the Shape It Up game. In the game, teams held their hands together while being given clues to specific shapes. It was a race to who could form the needed shapes correctly and who could do it the fastest. By the time the 3rd clue was given, everyone had already figured out how to work together effectively making it a very close contest. But in the end, one team got the prizes for their kids.
The Stack It Up game immediately followed. In this ‘mental’ battle, teams were all given a stack of cups (45 to be exact). They then had to assemble a perfect pyramid out of them. However, the pyramids were required in different sizes so they had to work out how many cups were needed in each of the three-dimensional shapes. Some of the children even took the lead with the help of the volunteers. Others just egged on playing cheerleaders. In the end, a team emerged the winner and got another set of prizes.
The last game of the contest-filled event was called Blow Me Up. In the game, balloons were handed out to both the volunteers and the kids. Different sizes of blown up balloons were then shown to everyone for them to imitate by blowing into their own ones. A specific number of balloons was also required of the groups calling for better teamwork and communication. The groups competed gallantly while gasping for air looking to finish first. One team finally had ‘a breath of fresh air’ and won the game.
The games played surely tested the teams both physically and mentally. They all sat back down in their groups as afternoon snacks were served. Some savory empanadas also made their way to the groups to compliment the delicious meal. Aside from this, school supplies and other treats were handed out as an added present from Ate Karla. The kids did find out about the reason for the day’s celebration and they were soon singing her a ‘happy birthday’ to show their appreciation.
The whole group then gathered for a final picture. To conclude it all, the kids gave the volunteers a tight embrace as they bid goodbye.
A lot of volunteers made the day even more special. Teachers from Ramon Magsaysay Elementary School lent a helping hand and served as ates and kuyas. On the other end of the spectrum, students from Adamson University were present as well and gamely participated.
Again, U! Happy Events expresses its most profound thanks to Ate Karla and her friends for their genuine support. It is really encouraging to know that a lot of people share a common desire to help out in their own capacity. Thank U! to all who became part of this celebration.

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