904 Ate Rosy’s Art In Island with Child Foundation

Written by President, Kuya Glenn Costales
‘Art in Island’ features one of the most fascinating and interactive exhibits in Metro Manila. Located in Cubao, Quezon City, it provides a really unique art experience to both kids and adults. This was what Ate Rosy Razonable had in mind last Saturday as she gathered 25 kids and their parents for a tour of the of this 3D art museum. The beneficiaries were from CHILD Foundation (Child Health in Life and Development). This group is a prime supporter of the pediatrics department of the Philippine General Hospital (PGH).
Ate Rosy was joined by her work colleagues and friends from college. They partnered with the children and their parents as they explored the creative features and attractions.
After over an hour of exploring Art in Island, Ate Rosy and her friends treated everyone to some nourishing snacks and they also distributed school supplies to the kids.
Thank U! to our kuya and ate-volunteers for being such great chaperon to our beneficiaries!

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