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To promote a culture of volunteering and giving by connecting partners to marginalized children through creative and meaningful activities.


By 2022, U! Happy, an organization made up of committed volunteers championing positive change in the marginalized children sector, has mobilized 500 new partners.

Core Values

U! Happy’s core values guide our actions and shape the positive change we strive to create. These values are listed to reflect our commitment to making a meaningful impact.

  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Service
  • Integrity
  • Happiness

Making an Impact Since 2006

Since 2006, we have done an average of 200 events per year. U! Happy has partnered with individuals, companies, and other groups to aid our programs that have benefitted over 100 organizations focused on children around Metro Manila.


Volunteer Involvement


Children Reached


Past Volunteer Events


Years of Service

Our Partners


partner with us through more than 100 NGO children beneficiaries in Metro Manila

Company Sponsors

take a pick of our current and past company partners

Event Suppliers

reach out and connect directly to our current event suppliers

Becoming a valued team member

Join our passionate community to support impactful projects, advocate for change, and collaborate for a brighter future.

  • Volunteer your Time to be a Kuya or an Ate
  • Inspire childred by sharing your talents and skills
  • Pledge monetary support or goods
  • Create your own event with us