954 Ate Melanie & Family’s Financial Literacy with Little Lights

Written by Board Member, Ate Weng Cutangco
Little Lights Ministry is one of our frequent partner beneficiaries but we get different groups of kids to give chance to the other kids in their community in Tawi Tawi.
This time, our Sponsor, Nicolas family chose us to handle their company outreach in KFC Ortigas Avenue Extension.
The volunteers were assigned to a group of kids to act as their Kuya/Ate for the day. Each group started with our getting-to-know activity where the kids and volunteers were asked to give out the following information: their name, their favorite dish or food without repeating anyone’s answer and their favorite basketball player since it was NBA Finals season that time.
With a huge activity area, KFC was also a great venue to do games. Everyone played enthusiastically a game of Big or Small Category using Hula Hoops as props. Kuya Harvard mentioned a random category and team members scatter to identify if they fall under the big hula hoop for the bigger majority or the small hula hoop for the minor group.
After a competitive time for our games, we got Ate Melanie to share about financial literacy to the kids. Their company does these types of educational platforms and they did it too well the kids got the principles right away.
Another interesting activity ensued next and this was a Self Defense workshop led by the kids of Kuya Jon and Ate Melanie. They tasked the kids to find a partner, identifying who would be victim and attacker first. It was a fun and engaging activity which was also useful for the kids protection moving forward.
Magic Shows seem to be on demand as we did another fantastic performance for the kids and volunteers. Our magician even got a kid to volunteer to help him perform magic tricks. Kids love this!
Any event won’t be complete without food. We served KFC 1 piece chicken, Spaghetti & Iced Tea to sustain the energy of everyone. We finished the event with the kids giving out hugs as signs of appreciation to the volunteers and bidding farewell with huge smiles on their faces. 🙂

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